Saturday, June 10, 2006

I Laughed Till I Cried

Last night I saw one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time as I was getting ready to leave a friend's house. It involved her and a recliner. See the diagram below for exactly what happened.

Any questions?


Marcia said...

oh, that's almost as awesome a diagram as bitchface raincheck!

Anonymous said...

your stick figure representation of what happened does not, in my opinion, acurately reflect what happened. where is the big burly man that pushed the foot rest down making me, err i mean your friend, hit their head? cuz i remember a big burly man. or maybe that was all part of my hallucination that i had after giving myself the concussion. which i think i may have done cuz holy hell my head hurt for like 2 days. and what kind of friend are you to leave me like that? just got up and left. dumb bitch.