Thursday, August 10, 2006

Psychotic Thought of the Week

I was thinking of all the different competition reality shows on TV. There's competitions for comedians, singers, chefs, boxers, dancers, ice skaters, etc. Well, I've come up with another one. It's a cross between Nip/Tuck and American Idol. It's a competition between plastic surgeons. Think about it...every week they bring out several hideously disfigured/ugly people. Then the surgeons do their work and America votes...I guess the only problem with this is that we'd have to have a show only about once a month in order to give the formerly hideously disfigured/ugly people heal properly....but I'd watch it.

On another note, what is the deal with Maurice Clarett...he's a psychotic thought of the week all by himself.


Marcia said...

I saw this thing on Ohio local news that said, "How did Maurice Clarett go from pro football player to felon?" And I said, "Oh Honey, it's not that much of a stretch..."

Jsto said...

But those poor, poor Ohio people don't see that...isn't that sad

Anonymous said...

Indeed. Or, rather... word.